07 Feb My Journey Loving a Type 1
Brent Darah and Elena Kirkbride
When I first met Elena, I did not know she was a Type 1 diabetic. I didn’t learn until later when I spent more time getting to know her. It was really interesting learning about diabetes and how it affects the body. I hadn’t really considered the impact of the disease, as she was the first person, I had spent time with and gotten close to who had it. Over time, she explained when and why she had to do certain things and, I am honestly blown away by how much information she must know and understand to safely manage the condition. As we began dating and spending more time together, I really got to see so many different parts that go into managing diabetes. Low blood sugar, high blood sugar, finger pricking, CGM functionality, putting a site on, changing the insulin cartridge, pump upgrades, almost passing out, and more. I learned about my role as a partner and how I can help during emergencies and non-emergency situations. I think people generally don’t consider how they may have to play a role in their partner’s managed condition, and this was a new thing for me, as I had not been with anyone previously who had to manage a daily condition. I was never bothered when I learned she was a diabetic and what that meant for her. I became more concerned over time about her health and always asked if she was okay when I heard her alerts or vibrations go off. I try to help when she needs it if she isn’t feeling well from being high, or if she is unwell from being low and needs something in her system. I have woken her up before if she sleeps through her pump alerts. I think it has created a unique bond between us, as it adds another layer to our relationship that allows me to care for her in ways that I didn’t experience in past relationships. It does also cause me concern for her health as well as I always hope that her supplies arrive in time, or that she receives good news about her numbers when she comes back from her doctor’s appointments. It’s been an adventure to learn about Type 1 diabetes and the ups and downs that come with loving someone who has it.
Elena and Brent will be tying the knot this May 2024!
Cj Deacon and Alli Oehlers
Loving a type 1 diabetic is like loving everybody else; their type 1 diabetes is just one more thing to love about them. Although it has been a journey with lots of highs and lows (literally and figuratively), watching CJ navigate through life while dealing with his diabetes has been inspiring. Learning of his type 1 diabetes at the age of 21 wasn’t easy,
however, CJ has learned to take control of his diabetes and not let the diabetes take control of him. He has learned patience, responsibility, determination, bravery, maturity, and strength. I can’t wait to see how CJ will use the story of his diabetes to one day teach our kids traits; I know they’ll think he’s a superhero.
Cj and Alli get married this September 2024!
Scott and Kelly Mann
I met Kelly 30 years ago. We played on the same walleyball league and worked out at the same health club. Kelly told me she had diabetes early on in our relationship and I knew she had to watch for low blood glucose during these activities. I did not know much about diabetes otherwise and figured that I should learn more. Kelly subscribed to many medical magazines, and I read them, especially those related to diabetes. I knew I needed to learn more. I referred to books and read more about diabetes.
When I met Kelly, she was on multiple daily injections and tested blood glucose with finger-stick. She was regimented with meals, snacks, and medication, but I knew that this was necessary. Soon after we were married, she began an insulin pump, thus giving her more options and flexibility in her life.
Kelly has now had diabetes for 50 years. Through the use of her TSlimx2 and Dexcom G6, she can be active, productive, and always in control of her diabetes. This has been life-changing. We can do what we want when we want. We don’t even have to think about diabetes and that is great for both of us! It allows us to do what we need to do when we want to do it and not have to worry about diabetes.
We enjoy biking, hiking, traveling, and spending time with our daughter, Lauren, son-in-law Austin, and grandbaby Brooklyn! It is a great life!
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