January 31
February 1
Calling all Type 1 Families! Our family favorite program, Kalahari Waterpark Adventure, is back for 2025! Enjoy an incredible weekend with DYS full of fun water slides, adventure, and great company. Enjoy a discounted group rate, a private Whirlpool Cabana with snacks, and fun for the whole family!
**Please note: You MUST register with DYS AND reserve your room with Kalahari to receive the group discount. If you have not done both, you are NOT registered. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
As a small non-profit, we work hard to ensure these programs are accessible to families living with Type 1 Diabetes. This discount is open to T1D families, not friends/neighbors/etc. as we only have a limited number of rooms available in our group. Please be courteous and only register family members. If other parties would like to attend, they can do so through the normal Kalahari website. We ask you not to register as part of our group.
**If you want to reserve a room past the deadline you need to contact Kalahari Group Sales directly at (419) 433-7759 and ask if you can still book a room. DYS is not responsible for contacting them for you.
Click HERE to view a step-by-step guide on how to book your room.